Brief Bio


Brief Bio#

I am an aerospace engineer by training and study the fluid mechanics of nature. During my graduate studies at UC Davis in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, I used the same modeling techniques that help us produce flight, to study respiratory flow problems.

Before beginning my graduate studies, I spent a few years working at the Boeing Company doing propulsion systems analysis. I received my Bachelor of Science from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT, and Boston holds a special place in my heart.

Spare time#

When I am not fulfilling my duties for (or at) the university, I spend many hours replicating my mother’s and grandmother’s cooking. They’ve taught me the delicate balances of flavors, with chemistry like precision, in order to serve a delicious plate from my Mexican heritage. If you are interested in sharing recipes, please feel free to contact me. I am always happy to trade recipes!


This site was built using Sphinx with the Book-theme in order do better version-control with GitHub and Jupyter-notebooks.

Previous iterations of this site was powered by Jekyll. The credits included the following snippet, which is still available in a branch of this github pages site:

“I built this webpage using Jekyll in order to make sure I could integrate IPython notebooks. This webpage’s design was originally developed on HTML5 UP. The Jekyll integration was created by Andrew Banchich, and part of the Editorial Jekyll Theme. The majority of the images are gathered from the free-to-use website, Unsplash. To embed YouTube videos, I’ve graciously borrowed from here, which made this incredibly simple.”